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We put Evo in DevOps.

What is DevOps?

DevOps is a set of practices that combines software development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops).
It aims to increases an organization’s ability to deliver applications and services at high velocity.

Evolving and improving products at a faster pace than organizations using traditional software development
and infrastructure management processes.

This speed enables organizations to better serve their customers and compete more effectively in the market.

Why choose DevOps?

It's simple!

Maximizes efficiency with automation

The most effective strategies for DevOps transformation focus on structural improvements that build community. A successful DevOps initiative requires a culture (or mindset) change that brings greater collaboration between multiple teams—product, engineering, security, IT, operations and so on—as well as automation to better achieve business goals.

Optimizes the entire

It forces organizations to "optimize for the whole system," not just IT siloes, to improve the business as a whole. In other words, be more adaptive and data-driven for alignment with customer and business needs.

Improves speed and stability of software development and deployment

A multi-year analysis in the annual Accelerate State of DevOps Report has found that top-performing DevOps organizations do far better on software development/deployment speed and stability, and also achieve the key operational requirement of ensuring that their product or service is available to end users.

Gets you to Focus on what matters most: People

People, not tools, are the most important component of a DevOps initiative. Key roleplayers (i.e. humans) can greatly increase your odds of success, such as a DevOps evangelist, a persuasive leader who can explain the business benefits brought by the greater agility of DevOps practices and eradicate misconceptions and fears.

Our goal

Advocating DevOps principles to reduce the time between making a change to a system
and applying that change into production while ensuring high quality.

With a cross-functional mode of working and a broad spectrum of tech
we can find solutions in every part of a CI/CD process.

Hundreds of customers love & trust us!

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Our strengths

Always keeping an eye on the new technologies and trends in DevOps and the IT industry in general.

Never miss an opportunity to learn or teach others.

Advocate the DevOps 'way' to different parts on the organization.

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